$197.00 USD

Step 3: (OPTIONAL) Check the box below to have Christa review your homework over a Zoom call so she can personally suggest a remote career that's aligned with your personality.

  • Normally these calls are $800 when purchased individually, but when you purchase it WITH your Starter Codes course, you can add it on to your total for just $444.
  • You will receive an email with a link to book the call with Christa directly. Make sure to complete the course and the career assessment BEFORE your call to make the most out of this unique and life-changing experience.

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Digital Nomad Starter Codes Online Course

Stop waiting until retirement. Embrace a life of adventure and career fulfillment today!


Step 1: Watch these videos to open your mind to what's even possible for a remote career:

  •  👩🏼‍💻 Masterclass in Remote Work: Get to Know the 7 Starter Codes:
    The most comprehensive guide on the internet regarding what remote opportunities *actually* exist (AND are realistic for regular people).  

    These videos will guide you through an in-depth exploration of the seven "Digital Nomad Starter Codes," (all digital nomad careers fall into at least one of the codes) each of which are packed with numerous real-world examples to get the wheels turning on what career is most relevant for you. 

  • 🧠 Nomad Mindset Mastery: It is impossible to become a digital nomad if you are experiencing the mindset blocks that are covered in this section. Remember, this process is not just about changing your job; it's about transforming your entire lifestyle from a rigid 9-5 to "you decide."

  • 🚀 Actionable Remote Life Strategy Lesson:  Complete the course and receive a proven strategy lesson with actionable steps. This is your blueprint to confidently transition into your new life as a digital nomad.
  • 🌍 My Transformation Story: Get to know your teacher! Learn the story of how I went from a soul-sucking office job to a globe-trotting digital nomad with an income I never dreamed possible.

  • 🤯 BONUS: the Most Surprising Digital Nomad Jobs:  This video is guaranteed to entertain AND open your mind to the truly limitless possibilities of remote work!

Step 2: Do your homework as thoroughly as possible.

  • Fill out the Career Assessment form as you go to start learning about yourself to a level deeper than you knew was possible.

    This isn't just a questionnaire. It's a DEEP dive into your psyche where you will uncover qualities about your personality and skills you didn't realize you had.

    Let this exercise be a floodgate of inspiration, revealing remote career paths tailored to your unique skills and interests. Learn about careers you've never even imagined, all 100% remote and get ready to see the professional world in a whole new light (a sunny, non-fluorescent light 😘). 

Step 3: (OPTIONAL) Have Christa review your homework and suggest a remote career that's aligned with your personality.

  • Before checking out, opt to have a personal, live Zoom session with Christa who will review your career assessment form and suggest remote career opportunities based on your answers.
  • Normally these calls are $800 but when you purchase it WITH your Starter Codes course, you can add it on to your total for just $444.
  • When you purchase the Career Assessment Call, you will receive an email with a link to book your call on Christa's calendar directly.
  • Make sure to complete the course and the career assessment BEFORE your call to make the most out of this unique and life-changing experience.